Successful couples almost ALWAYS say that communication has been a MAJOR factor in their ability to still feel madly in love after decades together

In terms of human evolution, verbal communication is one of the most recent “features” of humanity…

It’s the reason we’ve been able to evolve so quickly in the last few millennia to create technological advances that pave the way for a world where everyone’s gifts have a valuable place in society so that we can live interdependently and shine our brightest…

But it’s also our biggest downfall in relationships when we don't know how to communicate effectively.

And the most puzzling thing for so many women is that they really believe they're being SO CLEAR...

The communication that works in other contexts like friendships and career seems to only cause distance when it comes to romantic relationships...why is that?

It's because in other contexts, romantic attraction isn't part of the equation.

But when you desire a deeply passionate relationship for life, it MUST be a focus--which requires learning different ways of communicating that will keep the energy clean, alive, lighthearted, and open.

And in order for you and your partner to maintain attraction over time, there needs to be a new paradigm established...


Sadly, since most people had terrible communication role models, they don’t even know what their blind spots are.

When your communication is truly working,

You feel completely loved, safe, and understood by your partner even when one of you screws up

You are always discovering new facets and depths of each other even after years together, falling in love all over again

Conflicts bring you CLOSER together and solidify your partnership, rather than creating rifts and resentment

You’re both allowed to have bad days without it hurting the relationship

You ask for what you need and your partner invests themselves in partnering with you to make sure you get it

You both feel deeply appreciated, honoured, respected, and desired

The problem is that a lot of people often believe something else is the culprit when there are issues in a relationship.

Whether it’s money, housework, sex, kids, careers, there’s always something that gets used as the scapegoat.

But the beautiful thing is…

Those things are RARELY the real issue…it boils down to being able to communicate.

A lot people really believe they ARE communicating,

“I AM telling him how I feel, he just doesn’t listen/care/understand!” 

“I’ve told him a million times what I want him to do and he never does it!”

“I feel like I have to nag and complain to get him to hear me and I hate feeling like that’s the only way to get what I need!”

What if you could THRIVE together in a partnership as a team, falling in love all over again…without having to nag or complain to get what you want?

What if you could feel hotly ATTRACTED to your partner even after years together?

What if you could both feel so completely fulfilled in the relationship that you can’t even believe it gets to be THIS good?

Communication is NECESSARY for that.

For the kind of relationship your heart desires, it’s a non-negotiable.

Since you likely weren’t taught this growing up, it has to be your decision to learn this.


This program is designed to help you:

  • Feel close to your partner, desiring each other deeply
  • Grow TOGETHER through the inevitable conflicts and bumps that arise in relationships
  • Return to the “clean” and lighthearted energy of a new relationship, but with the added benefits of all the intimacy you’ve built through your time together
  • Feel hotly desired and cherished
  • Get your needs met in your relationship without having to become the “nag” that you don’t even want to be

Please note: this is a self-study course, so it is ideal for people who are looking for the information that will help them but do not require support as they implement.

For deeper support, the Love Story program or else working with me privately may be a better option, email for more info on these!

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